
Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, Monday

I realize that one day I'll have to come up with a regular schedule for my posts so you all know what time of day to check back, and so I keep this in its proper place ~ after all, there are more things to life than just blogging! (really?)

This morning I began to take photos of most of what I am eating and tried to gather some shots of products that my family likes.   I am using my Flip camera, and making snapshots from the video because our digital camera is usually in Chuck's truck or on his desk at not all my shots come out great.  I'll spare you the pain of looking at those ones.

I started out my day with one of my favorite to make and easy to grab and go!  I toasted a whole wheat English muffin (3pp) and cooked one egg (2pp) in a non-stick pan with a little Pam spray.  I also heated up one piece of Canadian bacon (1pp) along side the egg...slapped them between the muffin halves (sometimes with a little ketchup or hot sauce)...and there you have it...and so quick & easy to make (and clean up)!  Add to it some cantaloupe pieces, a few raspberries & blueberries (0pp) and mmmm...  Total breakfast: 6pp!

After such a good breakfast, I thought I'd slice the meat off a rotisserie chicken I picked up at Sam's Club over the weekend.  Look at all the goodness I have in store for lunches and dinner this week! 

Not bad for a $4.99 investment, but I'm not done yet!  I took the carcass and put it in a tall pot, put some hot water from the tap into the store container to rinse and "wash" the drippings into the pot until the water just about covered the bones...boiled it while I got dressed...and when I get home from work, the resulting broth will become a nice 1pp veggie soup!  Talk about stretching your dollars ~ and so easy, too.  I'll be putting the recipe on the Recipe tab shortly.

Next, I took my new favorite wraps: Ole X-treme Wellness! brand, which most of their varieties are only 1pp per wrap (the 8 Grain wrap is 2pp, which is still low)...
...and using some of the chicken I just cut up, I put a 2 oz portion of the white meat onto a wrap, topped it with a piece of roasted red pepper and some romaine lettuce leaves, and 1tsp of cranberry mustard for some x-tra flavor and...
...there you have it...lunch!  This mustard has a little bit of "heat" to it, which really tickles my taste buds for "0" points!  Entire lunch: 3pp!

Lastly, in an effort to satisfy the "Good Health Guidelines" on the new Weight Watchers Points Plus program, I am now taking my multi-vitamin that I ordered from ~ a website my daughter-in-law Erika recommended to me.  They were on sale this month, are full of goodness, and had terrific reviews on the the website.  Like any good vitamin, they are a little large (guess I should have taken a photo, huh?), but not impossible to deal with.
So that was my morning.  I have "eaten" 9 of my 29 daily points plus allowance and am "feeling good".  Its 3:30 and I'll probably have a Granny Smith apple (0pp)and a piece of Laughing Cow cheese for my mid-day snack (1pp) and I'll be good to go until dinner.  Wanna guess what we're having?  Check back later and find out!